Changing your phone number

You can change your phone number by going to Account > Profile > Personal details.

When you enter a new phone number, you will follow the verification process, which is:

  • enter the new phone number
  • enter the password for confirmation;
  • you receive a validation code on the email address registered on your account, which you enter on the page;
  • and at the last step, you need to enter the code received on the new phone number

Important! You can only change your phone number if the previous one has already been confirmed.

Below, we provide the steps to change the phone number on your account:

Step 1 - enter the new phone number

pas 1 noul nr de telefon.JPG
Step 2 - enter your password for confirmation;

pas 2 parola.JPG
Step 3 - you will receive a validation code to the email address registered on your account, which you will enter on the page;
pas 3 cod email.JPG

Step 4 - enter the code received on the new phone numberpas 4 cod nr de telefon.JPG

If you are unable to update your phone number despite following the steps above, or if you no longer have access to the email address associated with your game account. If you have further questions or need assistance, please check the bottom of the current page and contact us through the available means of your choice.

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