To fully benefit from your account's features, it is necessary to validate your identity, by providing one of the following documents:
- National Romanian Identity Card
- Permit of Stay issued in Romania (both sides)
- Temporary identity
Romanian Passport
- If you provide a passport, please also upload a proof of address issued within the last 6 months, such as:
- Utility bill
- Bank statement
- Certificate of permanent residence from the local Municipality
- If you provide a passport, please also upload a proof of address issued within the last 6 months, such as:
- Foreign Identity Card
- Foreign Passport
To ensure that your documents meet our requirements, please note that they must be clearly captured, with all four corners visible, and valid.
To upload your documents, please log in to My Account → Profile → Verification Process.
At Betano, we take extra care to ensure that the documents you submit containing any sensitive information are handled and processed securely and safely. You can read more about our privacy policy here.