There are instances where a bet may be canceled for various reasons, ensuring a fair and transparent betting experience for all our members. We want to shed light on the common factors that can lead to such cancellations:
- Mistake in odds: Sometimes, due to human error or technical malfunctions, odds can be set incorrectly, resulting in the cancellation of bets placed during the period.
- Postponement or cancellation of events: When a scheduled event is postponed or canceled for any reason, the associated bets are also canceled because the conditions for the bet are no longer valid.
- Technical issues: Although rare, technical issues can occur, affecting the integrity of the betting process and requiring the cancellation of certain bets.
- Duplicate bets: Placing the same bet more than once by mistake may result in duplicate bets, leading to bets being void.
- Inability to confirm event results: Occasionally, there may be delays or uncertainty in confirming the outcome of an event. Pending verification of the outcome, related bets may be temporarily canceled.