Defining System Bet

In a system bet, it is necessary to have 3 or more combined selections. Once you place the ticket you will have the option to choose the number of combinations you want and you can win without all the selections being correct, according to the choice you made.

We will give you an example to understand how you can place in the system: 

  • select the desired matches/sports events
  • once you have created your ticket, click on "Multiple Ticket l x selections" to check the system options for the number of matches chosen.

In the example given we can place 6 types of bets as follows: 

Doubles = 15:

  • 15 combinations will be formed, taken in groups of 2 matches
  • the value 71.75 represents the total odds of the ticket and therefore the maximum potential win
  • the stake filled in the box to the right of the odds is per combination. The total stake for the example given will be 15 RON (1 x 15 =15 RON).

Triple = 20:

  • 20 combinations will be formed, taken in groups of 3 matches
  • the value 198.76 represents the total odds of the ticket and therefore the maximum potential win
  • the stake you fill in the box to the right of the odds is per combination. The total stake for the example given will be 20 RON (1 x 20 =20 RON). 

4 selections = 15:

  • this type of system gives the possibility that a maximum of 2 of the 6 matches are unwinnable
  • 15 combinations will be formed
  • the value of 300.80 represents the total odds of the ticket and therefore the maximum potential win
  • the stake filled in the box to the right of the odds is per combination. The total stake for the example given will be 15 RON (1 x 15=15 RON).

5 selections = 6: 

  • this type of system offers the possibility that only 1 of the 6 matches will be unwinnable, 6 combinations will be formed
  • the value 236.82 represents the total odds of the ticket and therefore the maximum potential win
  • the stake filled in the box to the right of the odds is per combination. The total stake for the example given will be RON 6 (1 x 6 = 6 RON). 

Heinz = 57:

  • this type of system offers the possibility to get a win (which can be reduced compared to the total stake of the ticket) if at least 2 selections are winning
  • 57 combinations will be formed (as is the name of the system type)
  • the value 884.19 represents the total stake of the ticket and therefore the maximum potential win
  • the stake filled in the box to the right of the odds is per combination. The total stake for the given example will be RON 57 (1 x 57 =57 RON).
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